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Waffle House Index
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 Vandaag 10-10-2024
21959 begrippen & definities
 Trending begrippen
1 Dogs of the Dow
2 penny wise, pound foolish
3 pro memorie
4 reconciliatie
5 prijs-kwaliteitverhouding
 Recent verbeterd
10-10cost-income ratio
10-10Europese Rekenkamer
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 Meest opgevraagde begrippen
1Dogs of the Dow
2ouwe jongens krentenbroo...
3onder embargo
4debt service coverage ra...
5out-of-pocket kosten
8arm's length-beginsel
9negatief eigen vermogen
10penny wise, pound foolis...
Spring naar: C--CT-C/-C2-CA-CB-CC-CD-CE-CF-CG-
 1.C (inzake kredietwaardigheid)
 2.C (inzake opties)
 3.c (inzake opties)
 11.cabinet trade
 25.Caijing Magazine
 27.caja de ahorro
 33.calculerende burger
 35.calendar spread
 37.California Consumer Privacy Act
 39.call date
 40.call for capital
 41.call optie
 42.call risk
 43.call spread
 47.callable bond
 48.callable bull/bear contract
 49.callable obligatie
 58.Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index
 62.Canary Wharf
 63.cancellable forward
 65.cancelling order
 66.candlestick chart
 76.cap rate
 77.cap and trade system
 78.cap-weighted index
 80.capacity utilization
 83.Capesize (index)
 85.Capital Adequacy Directive
 86.Capital Asset Pricing Model
 87.capital at risk
 88.capital buffer
 89.capital call
 90.capital charge
 91.capital charges
 92.capital controls
 93.capital equipment
 94.capital expenditures
 95.capital expenses
 96.capital flight
 97.capital gains
 98.capital gains tax
 99.capital goods
 100.capital indexed bond
 101.capital letter
 102.capital levy
 103.capital market
 104.capital markets day
 105.capital markets union
 106.capital protection equity note
 107.capital requirements
 108.Capital Requirements Directive
 109.capital risk
 110.capital securities
 111.capital surcharge
 112.capitalisation issue
 113.capitalization-weighted index
 118.capped index
 119.captains of industry
 121.captive agent
 122.captive fondsen
 123.captive market
 124.captured agencies
 127.Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
 128.carbon bubble
 129.carbon capture and storage
 130.carbon capture and utilization
 131.carbon control and sequestration
 132.carbon credit
 133.carbon emissions trading
 134.carbon finance
 135.carbon pricing
 136.Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition
 137.carbon tax
 138.carbon trading
 139.card validation code
 140.cardboard box index
 143.Carnegie Institute for International Peace
 144.carried interest
 149.carry & roll down
 150.carry back
 151.carry basis
 152.carry currency
 153.carry forward
 154.carry trade
 155.carrying charge
 156.carrying charge market
 158.Cars Allowance Rebate System
 159.carve out
 163.Case Shiller Home Price Index
 165.cash allowance
 166.cash-and-carry arbitrage
 167.cash and cash equivalents
 168.cash and share offer
 169.cash-and-stock bid
 170.cash benchmark
 171.cash buffer
 172.cash burn
 173.cash-burn rate
 174.cash commodity
 175.cash conversion cycle
 176.cash cow
 177.cash dash
 178.cash dividend
 179.cash drag
 180.cash drain
 181.cash equivalent
 182.cash facility
 183.cash for clunkers
 184.cash holdings
 185.cash in
 186.cash in plaats van dividend
 187.cash inflow
 188.cash is king
 189.cash is trash
 190.cash issue
 191.cash management
 192.cash margin
 193.cash market
 194.cash mob
 195.cash offer
 196.cash out
 197.cash outflow
 198.cash pooling
 199.cash price
 201.cash settled equity swap
 202.cash settlement
 203.cash sweep
 204.cash trapping
 205.cash-based accounting
 206.cash-on-cash return
 209.cashflow negatief
 210.cashflow neutraal
 211.cashflow per aandeel
 212.cashflow positief
 213.cashflow statement
 217.cashless payment
 218.cashless society
 219.cashloos betalen
 220.cashloze samenleving
 229.Cassa per il Mezzagiorno
 230.cat bonds
 233.catastrophe bonds
 234.catch-up effect
 237.caveat emptor
 238.caviar express
 239.Cayman Islands
 240.Cayman Islands Dollar
 241.Cayman Islands Monetory Authority
 257.CBOE SKEW index
 258.CBOE VIX-index
 266.CBS Consumptieradar
 268.CBS-koersindex aandelen algemeen
 275.CCC (activiteitenratio)
 296.CDO cubed
 297.CDO squared
 301.CDX Indices
 309.Cel voor Financiële Informatieverwerking (België)
 310.Celtic Tiger
 316.Center for Strategic and International Studies
 320.Centraal aandeelhoudersregister
 321.Centraal aanspreekpunt
 322.Centraal Bureau Fondsenwerving
 323.Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
 324.Centraal Economisch Plan
 325.Centraal Economische Commissie
 326.Centraal Fonds Volkshuisvesting
 327.centraal geleide economie
 328.Centraal Informatie Systeem
 329.Centraal Insolventieregister
 330.Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau
 331.Centraal Planbureau
 332.centraal weerstandsfonds
 333.central bank digital currency
 334.Central Bank Gold Agreement
 335.Central Bank of Ireland
 336.Central Bank of the Russian Federation
 337.Central Bank of Volatility
 338.central counterparty
 339.central counterparty clearing house
 340.central depositary system
 341.central securities depository
 342.Central Statistics Office
 343.centrale bank
 344.Centrale Bank van Aruba
 345.Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten
 346.Centrale Bank van de Republiek Turkije
 347.Centrale Bank van Suriname
 348.Centrale de Livraison de Valeurs Mobilières
 349.Centrale Dienst voor de Bestrijding van Corruptie
 350.centrale markt
 351.Centrale voor kredieten aan ondernemingen (België)
 352.Centrale voor kredieten aan particulieren (België)
 355.centralistisch kapitalisme
 356.Centre for Economic and Business Research
 357.Centre for Economic Policy Research
 358.Centre for European Policy Studies
 359.Centre for Responsive Politics
 360.Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation
 361.Centrum Arbeidsverhoudingen Overheidspersoneel
 362.Centrum Bestrijding Verzekeringscriminaliteit
 363.Centrum indicatiestelling Zorg
 364.Centrum voor Fondsenadministratie
 365.Centrum voor Onderzoek van de Economie van de Lagere Overheid
 366.Centrum voor Verzekeringsstatistiek
 367.century bond
 370.ceo duality
 371.CEO Jackpot Day
 373.CEO-to-worker pay-ratio
 379.certificaat van aandeel
 380.certificaat van oorsprong
 381.certificaat van origine
 383.certificate of deposit
 384.certificeren van aandelen
 385.certificering (van aandelen)
 386.Certified B Corporation
 387.Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc.
 388.Certified International Investment Analyst
 398.ceteris paribus
 403.CFA Institute
 404.CFA Society Netherlands
 405.CFA Society VBA Netherlands
 410.Cfd broker
 415.CFO Forum
 416.CFP Board
 424.chainsaw capitalism
 427.challenger bank
 429.Chamber of Commerce
 430.Chambre de commerce internationale
 431.Champions League-effect
 432.Chancellor of the Exchequer
 433.change of control
 434.change of control bonus
 435.change of control clausule
 436.change of control clausule (bedrijfsobligatie)
 437.change of control vergoeding
 438.Change Readiness Index
 439.chao gu
 441.Chapter 11
 444.chart reading
 446.chartaal geld
 447.Chartered Accountant
 448.Chartered Financial Analyst
 450.Chat GPT
 451.chat bot
 453.Chatham House Royal Institute of International Affairs
 455.cheap money
 458.check digit
 459.checkable deposits
 460.checking account
 461.checks and balances
 466.Chernobyl Death Obligations
 467.cherry picking
 470.chiao hui
 471.Chicago Board of Trade
 472.Chicago Board Options Exchange
 473.Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index
 474.Chicago Fed
 475.Chicago Fed National Activity Index
 476.Chicago Mercantile Exchange
 477.Chicago School of Economics
 478.Chicago Stock Exchange
 480.chief digital officer
 481.chief diversity officer
 482.chief economist
 483.chief executive officer
 484.chief financial and risk officer
 485.chief financial officer
 486.chief guerilla officer
 487.chief human resources officer
 488.chief information officer
 489.chief knowledge officer
 490.chief marketing officer
 491.chief operating officer
 492.chief risk officer
 493.chief sustainability officer
 494.chief talent officer
 495.chief whip
 496.child penalty
 497.China Africa Development Fund
 498.China CAT
 499.China Containerized Freight Index
 500.China Cyclical Activity Tracker
 501.China Development Bank
 502.China Enterprises Index
 503.China Investment Corporation
 504.China Jianyin Investment
 505.China National Offshore Oil Corporation
 506.China Securities Index Company
 507.China Securities Regulatory Commission
 510.Chinees Nieuwjaar
 511.Chinese muur
 512.Chinese Securities Finance Corporation Limited
 513.Chinese wall
 523.Choc Finger
 524.choice price
 525.chooser option
 526.chop shop
 528.Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond
 529.christmas tree
 532.churn rate
 536.CIA World Factbook
 550.circuit breaker
 551.circulaire economie
 552.circular resolution
 559.Citigroup Economic Surprise Index
 560.Citizen's Basic Income
 563.City of London Corporation
 565.civiel recht
 569.CKGSB Business Conditions Index
 584.class action
 585.class combination
 586.Classification of Financial Instruments code
 587.Clausthaler obligatie
 589.claw back (procedure, clausule)
 590.clean (bond) price
 591.Clean Brexit
 592.clean exit
 594.Cleantech Index
 596.clearing 21
 597.clearing corporation
 598.clearing house
 599.Clearing House Association
 600.Clearing House Interbank Payments System
 601.clearing member
 606.Cleartrade Exchange
 611.click & collect
 612.click-and-mortar (business)
 615.client cut-off time
 619.cliëntenovereenkomst (beleggen)
 621.cliff edge
 622.cliff-edge brexit
 623.cliff effect
 624.Climate Bonds Initiative
 625.climate delayer
 626.climate tech
 627.climatic selling
 629.cliquet option
 631.cloned firm
 633.close buy
 634.close sell
 635.closed book
 637.closed-end beleggingsfonds
 638.closed fund
 639.closed period
 640.closed-end fonds
 641.closed-end fund
 642.closely held company
 644.closet indexing
 646.closing buy
 647.closing price
 648.closing purchase
 649.closing range
 650.closing rotation
 651.closing sale
 652.closing transaction
 654.Cloud of Things
 659.club deal
 660.Club Med-landen
 661.club sandwich
 662.club van elf
 663.Club van Londen
 664.Club van Parijs
 665.club van rijke landen
 666.Club van Rome
 670.CMA Global Sovereign Debt Credit Risk Report
 674.CME FedWatch Tool
 675.CME Group Inc.
 681.CNN Money Fear & Greed Index
 688.co-branded creditcard
 692.co-sale right
 693.CO2-afvang en -hergebruik
 694.CO2-afvang en -opslag
 710.cock date
 713.Code Banken (Nederland)
 714.Code Buysse (België)
 715.Code Frijns
 716.Code Lippens (België)
 717.code of conduct
 718.Code of Conduct for the Processing of Personal Data by Financial Institutions
 719.code of silence
 720.Code Sociale Ondernemingen
 721.Code Tabaksblat
 722.Code van Manen
 723.Code Verzekeraars (Nederland)
 724.Code Wijffels
 733.Coinbase Global
 734.Coindesk Bitcoin Price Index
 738.cold calling
 739.cold turkey
 741.collaborative economy
 745.collateral crisis
 746.collateral transformation
 747.collateralized bond
 748.collateralized bond obligation
 749.collateralized debt obligation
 750.collateralized loan
 751.collateralized loan obligation
 752.collateralized mortgage obligation
 753.collateralized note
 755.collectief debiteurenrisico
 756.collectief ontslag
 757.Collectief Particulier Ondernemerschap
 758.Collectief Particulier Opdrachtgeverschap
 759.collectief pensioen
 760.collectief vaste premieregeling
 761.collectieve actie
 762.collectieve actie clausule
 763.collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst
 764.collectieve belegging
 765.collectieve beschikbare premieregeling
 766.collectieve besparingen
 767.collectieve buffer
 768.collectieve claim
 769.Collectieve Garantieregeling
 770.collectieve goederen
 771.collectieve goederen en diensten
 772.collectieve klacht
 773.collectieve lasten
 774.collectieve lastendruk
 775.collectieve middelen
 776.collectieve pensioenregeling
 777.collectieve schadeclaim
 778.collectieve sector
 779.collectieve uitgaven
 781.collection bank
 782.collective action clause
 783.Collective Defined Contribution
 785.College Belastingadviseurs
 786.College bescherming persoonsgegevens
 787.College Construction Loan Insurance Association
 788.College Deskundigheid Financiële Dienstverlening
 789.College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven
 790.College voor de Rechten van de Mens
 791.collegiaal bestuursmodel
 792.Collegie tot Nut des Obligatiehandels
 798.Columbus Day
 806.combined interest rate and currency swap
 807.combined ratio
 808.combo trade
 809.come along clausule
 810.come back in September
 812.comfort letter
 814.Comité Européen pour les Problèmes Criminels
 815.Comité voor Ondernemerschap
 817.command and control
 818.commanditaire vennoot
 819.commanditaire vennootschap
 822.commercial bank
 823.commercial mortgage backed securities
 824.commercial paper
 825.commercieel risico
 826.commercieel vastgoed
 827.commerciële dienstensector
 828.commerciële jaarrekening
 829.commerciële waarde
 831.commissaris van overheidswege
 832.commissaris voor de notering
 834.Commissie Corporate Governance (België)
 835.commissie De Wit
 836.Commissie Economische en Monetaire Zaken
 837.Commissie Eindtermen Accountantsopleiding
 838.Commissie Frijns
 839.Commissie Parameters
 840.Commissie Toekomst Accountancysector
 841.Commissie van Manen
 842.commissie Vickers
 843.Commissie voor het Bank- en Financiewezen (België)
 844.Commissie voor het Bank-, Financie- en Assurantiewezen (België)
 848.Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier
 850.commissionair in effecten
 852.Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa
 853.committed capital
 854.Committee of European Banking Supervisors
 855.Committee of European Securities Regulators
 856.Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States
 857.Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedure
 863.commodity future
 864.Commodity Futures Trading Commission
 865.commodity linked bond
 866.commodity money
 867.Commodity Research Bureau
 868.commodity swap
 869.commodity trading advisor
 870.commodity trap
 873.common contractual fund (Ierland)
 874.common corporate tax base
 875.common equity
 876.internal market
 877.Common Market
 878.Common Reporting Standard
 879.common stock
 883.community bank
 884.Compagnie des agents de change
 887.Companies Creditors Arrangement Act
 888.company raider
 889.company voluntary arrangement
 890.company-owned life insurance
 891.comparable company
 893.comparatief kostenverschil
 894.comparatief voordeel
 895.compensabel verlies
 901.compenseerbare order
 903.compenserende rechten
 904.competitieve devaluatie
 905.competitive market maker
 906.complementair muntsysteem
 907.complementaire goederen
 908.complex financieel product
 909.complexe producten
 911.compliance department
 912.compliance officer
 914.compliant (zijn)
 916.comply or die
 917.comply or explain
 918.compo option
 920.composite index
 921.composite option
 922.compound annual growth rate
 923.compound annual rate
 924.compound interest
 925.compound option
 927.Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
 928.Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
 929.compressed natural gas
 931.compte joint
 932.compulsory liquidation
 933.computational finance
 934.Computer Emergency Response Team
 935.computer science
 936.computergestuurd beleggen
 937.computergestuurd handelen
 943.concertina swap
 946.concrete markt
 947.concurrent crediteur
 948.concurrent schuldeiser
 955.concurrerend bod
 957.condition precedent
 958.conditional dealing
 959.conditionele order
 961.condor spread
 962.conduct costs
 963.conduct rules
 966.conduit country
 968.Confederation of British Industry
 969.Conference Board
 970.conference call
 971.confidence interval
 975.confirmation bias
 977.conflict of interest
 982.conglomerate discount
 983.conglomerate fusie
 985.Congressional Budget Office
 986.Congressional Oversight Panel
 987.conjuncturele werkloosheid
 992.Conjunctuurenquête Nederland
 1001.Connie Lee
 1003.conscious capitalism
 1004.Conseil de l'Europe
 1005.consensus forecast
 1007.conservatism bias
 1008.conservative equity
 1009.conservatoir beslag
 1010.conserverende aanslag
 1017.Consolidated Common Corporate Tax Base
 1018.consolidated tape
 1025.constant currency
 1026.constant dollar plan
 1027.constant elasticity of variance
 1028.constant maturity swap
 1029.constant proportion portfolio insurance
 1030.constant proportional debt obligation
 1032.constante kosten
 1033.constante valuta
 1034.Constante van Marchetti
 1035.constante van Siegel
 1036.constante wisselkoers
 1037.constitutioneel hof
 1039.consulent (arbeidsmarkt)
 1044.Consumenten Conjunctuuronderzoek
 1054.Consumer Confidence Index
 1055.Consumer Electronics Show
 1056.Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
 1057.Consumer Price Index
 1058.consumer pull
 1064.consumptief krediet
 1070.consumptieve bestedingen
 1071.contactloos betalen
 1072.contactloze kaart
 1076.contango market
 1077.contant bod
 1078.contant dividend
 1079.contant geld
 1080.contant maken
 1081.contante afrekening
 1082.contante koersen
 1083.contante markt
 1084.contante prijs
 1085.contante waarde
 1089.contested convention
 1090.Conti Index
 1091.Conti Power Index
 1092.continental depository receipts
 1093.Continental Power Index
 1094.contingency order
 1095.contingency price
 1097.contingent (capital) note
 1098.contingent (premium) option
 1099.contingent capital
 1100.contingent convertible
 1101.contingent core tier-1 securities
 1102.contingent option
 1103.contingent order
 1104.contingent reverse convertible
 1105.contingent value rights
 1106.contingente effecten
 1108.continu krediet
 1109.Continu Onderzoek Burgerperspectieven
 1113.continuation gap
 1114.continue variabele
 1115.continue verhandeling
 1120.conto meta
 1122.contract ends
 1123.contract for difference
 1124.contract met uitgestelde prestatieplicht
 1125.contract note
 1126.contract size
 1127.contract specs
 1136.contractuele loonkosten
 1139.contracyclische kapitaalbuffer
 1140.contrair handelen
 1141.contraire belegger
 1146.control variate methode
 1149.Controledienst voor de Verzekeringen (België)
 1152.controlerend belang
 1153.controlerend grootaandeelhouder
 1154.controlled foreign corporation
 1156.controllling interest
 1159.convenant holiday
 1160.convenience yield
 1161.conventionele verzuimverzekering
 1162.convergence play
 1163.convergence trade
 1183.converteerbare obligatie
 1184.converteerbare valuta
 1187.convertible arbitrage-strategie (hedge funds)
 1188.convertible bond
 1189.convertible subordinate note
 1191.conviction list
 1193.Cooke ratio's
 1196.cooking the books
 1198.coöperatieve bank
 1199.coöperatieve vereniging
 1201.Coördinatiecentra (België)
 1207.core business
 1208.core capital
 1209.core earnings
 1210.core equity tier 1-kapitaal
 1211.core holding
 1212.core inflation
 1213.Core PCE Deflator
 1214.Core Personal Consumption Expenditures
 1215.Core Principles
 1216.core tier 1-kapitaal
 1217.core tier one capital ratio
 1222.cornerstone investor
 1237.Coronarekening Algemene Rekenkamer
 1243.corporate action
 1244.corporate bond
 1245.corporate bounty hunter
 1246.corporate broker
 1247.corporate cocaine
 1248.corporate coup
 1249.corporate disclosure policy
 1250.Corporate Europe Observatory
 1251.corporate finance
 1252.corporate governance
 1253.Corporate Governance Code voor Belgische beursgenoteerde vennootschappen
 1254.Corporate Human Rights Benchmark
 1255.corporate inversion
 1256.corporate pyramiding
 1257.corporate raider
 1258.corporate reputation risk
 1259.Corporate Sector Purchase Programme
 1260.corporate services provider
 1261.corporate social responsibility
 1262.corporate spin-off
 1263.corporate start-up
 1264.Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
 1265.Corporate Tax Haven Index
 1266.corporate treasurer
 1267.corporate treasury
 1268.corporate trustee
 1269.corporate venturing
 1270.corporate venturing fund
 1276.correctie voor seizoensinvloeden
 1283.correspondent bank
 1287.Corruption Perceptions Index
 1288.cosmetic reporting
 1289.cost driver
 1290.cost of capital
 1291.cost of debt
 1292.cost of equity
 1293.cost of living adjustment
 1294.cost, insurance, freight
 1296.cost-income ratio
 1298.cost-of-living index
 1299.cost-push inflatie
 1300.cost-to-income ratio
 1304.Council of Economic Advisers
 1305.Council of Europe
 1306.Council on Economic Policies
 1307.Council for Registered Ethical Security Testers
 1310.counterparty risk
 1311.Counterparty Risk Management Policy Group
 1312.countervailing duties
 1313.countervailing power
 1314.country factor
 1315.country-by-country reporting
 1317.coupon limit
 1322.couponloze obligatie
 1327.coupons knippen
 1330.Cour des Comptes
 1332.courant fonds
 1333.courante winst
 1335.court of audit
 1336.court of auditors
 1340.covenant lite
 1342.coverage ratio
 1343.covered bond
 1344.covered bond purchase programme
 1345.covered call index
 1346.covered call writing
 1347.covered option securities
 1348.covered put
 1349.covered straddle
 1350.covered warrant
 1351.covered writing
 1352.covering (valutamarkt)
 1355.Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model (optiemodel)
 1356.Cox-Ross-Rubinstein model (optiemodel)
 1359.CPB Wereldhandelsmonitor
 1360.CPB World Trade Monitor
 1361.CPB WTM
 1365.CPI afgeleid
 1373.crack spread
 1374.cradle to cradle
 1376.craft beer
 1377.cram-down round
 1379.crap rally
 1381.Crash Confidence Index
 1382.crawling peg
 1386.cream skimming
 1387.creatief boekhouden
 1388.creatieve destructie
 1389.creating shared value
 1390.creation unit
 1392.credit crisis
 1393.credit crunch
 1394.credit default
 1395.credit default swap
 1396.Credit Default Swap Index
 1397.credit derivatives
 1398.credit enhancement
 1399.credit estimate
 1400.credit event
 1401.credit facility
 1402.credit fund
 1403.credit line
 1404.credit outlook
 1405.credit rating
 1406.credit rating agency
 1407.credit risk
 1408.credit score
 1409.credit spread
 1410.credit squeeze
 1411.credit umbrella
 1412.credit union
 1413.credit watch
 1414.credit watch list
 1417.creditcard crunch
 1440.crisis- en herstelwet
 1442.crisisclausule (arbeidsvoorwaarden)
 1443.crisisgerelateerd resultaat
 1447.critical professions
 1449.crony capitalism
 1450.cross-currency option
 1451.cross currency spread
 1452.cross default clause
 1453.cross hedging
 1454.cross holding
 1456.cross margining
 1457.cross membership
 1458.cross order
 1459.cross rate
 1460.cross subsidy
 1462.cross-currency swap
 1464.crossing network
 1466.crossover fonds
 1468.crowded trades
 1472.crowding out
 1477.crown jewel
 1481.cruciale beroepsgroepen
 1483.crude oil
 1484.crush spread
 1485.cry bully
 1487.crypto currency
 1488.Crypto Fear & Greed Index
 1489.crypto service provider
 1499.cryptografisch geld
 1513.CSI 300
 1531.cum-cum deal
 1533.cum-ex deal
 1537.cumulatief cascadestelsel
 1538.cumulatief preferent aandeel
 1539.cumulatief rendement
 1540.cumulatieve limiet
 1541.cumulatieve obligatie
 1544.Curb Exchange
 1547.currency board
 1548.currency interest rate swap
 1549.currency option
 1550.currency overlay
 1551.currency peg
 1552.currency snake
 1553.currency war
 1554.currency-coupon swap
 1555.current account
 1556.current cost of supplies
 1557.Current Employment Statistics
 1558.current ratio
 1559.current yield
 1560.curriculum vitae
 1562.curve duration
 1564.CUSIP number
 1565.Custo Brasil
 1568.custody fee
 1569.customer due diligence
 1570.customer experience management
 1571.customer intelligence
 1572.customer lifetime value
 1573.customer lock-in
 1574.Customs and Border Protection
 1575.customs union
 1576.cut your losses and let your profits run
 1577.cut-off time
 1580.cv-bv structuur
 1590.Cyber Monday
 1591.Cyber Security Raad
 1600.cyclically adjusted price to earnings ratio
 1601.cyclisch aandeel
 1602.cyclisch groeiaandeel
 1603.cyclische waarde
 1604.cyclische werkloosheid
 1606.Cyprus Stock Exchange
 1607.Cyprus Stock Exchange General Index
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